Oct 12, 2021
But really, can we? I know y’all are seeing it too. You’ve shared with me that once you know what to look for you’ve started to see it all over the place. Okay so now you know it’s there but what do you do about it?
In this episode we break down three super cringey examples of white privilege that I’ve seen in the last week. Tune in to hear how those of you who hold white privilege can respond in these racist situations.
Race Talk Roadmap
Our Race Talk Roadmap is the tool you need to begin conversations about race and racism with your children! We have a list of three tips for parents of older children and a list of three tips for parents of younger children. Visit firstnamebasis.org/racetalk to get the Race Talk Roadmap sent straight to your inbox.
Ally Elementary
Parents have been asking for a practical, interactive way to implement the anti-racist strategies that I lay out in the First Name Basis Podcast. So this October we are launching “Ally Elementary: Anti-Racist Education For Families."
During this five-week program parents will work together with their children to create a culture of anti-racism in their home, and I will be there to guide them every step of the way. We will use hands-on activities to teach our children about everything from the untold story of how race was created to how they can disrupt racism in their everyday lives. I am so excited to watch the families in our community make a meaningful transformation and improve their communities through anti-racist action.
Articles, Studies & Podcasts Referenced In The Episode
First Name Basis Podcast, Season 2, Episode 14: “What Is Privilege And What Do I Do With It?” — This episode will help give you the background information you need to understand privilege. I suggest listening to this episode before you dive into our conversation about white privilege.
First Name Basis Podcast, Season 3, Episode 21: “How To Teach Media Literacy To Our Children with Tori Nelson of Kid Nuz”
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James Johnson is an award winning Tlingit artist and wood carver, check out his work here!
“Don’t Touch My Hair” children’s book by Sharee Miller
Song Credit: “Sleeper” by Steve
Adams” and “Dive Down” by VYEN